The Making Of A Children's Book

Reprinted from a post by David Giacalone in the online blog, Suns Along the Mohawk.

The Moon & River Café in the Stockade (115 S. Ferry St.) is hosting a special multi-media exhibit of paintings and poetry by Elizabeth MacFarland, from November 1st through December 31st.  The exhibit — “The Making of a Children’s Book”  — focuses on Elizabeth’s recently-published book of poetry for children titled “Butterfly, Dragonfly” (The Troy Book Makers, 2011).  It features 16 oil paintings Elizabeth used to illustrate her book, along with the related poems.

There will be a reception and book signing on both Friday, November 18th, 2011, 6-8 pm, as part of Art Night Schenectady; and Sunday, December 4, 2-5 pm, when Elizabeth will perform piano and flute pieces with flutist Laura Bulatao, and with some of their students.  Spotlight News did a feature article about the exhibit, titled “an artist of many colors” (by John Purcell, Nov. 17, 2011, at 12).

– below are sample pages from Butterfly, Dragonfly –

Butterfly, Dragonfly has 35 poems, which were inspired by true-life happenings, in the late ’80s and early ’90s, when her two grown sons were little guys.  The book will be available to purchase at Moon & River, as well as at The Open Door and The Little Book House in Stuyvestant Plaza.

Elizabeth is a professional pianist and composer, and has an active piano studio in Niskayuna.
